About Extreme Windsurfing

Jim Karabasz - Owner
Jim has been the owner of Extreme Windsurfing since 1993.
"Extreme Windsurfing personnel are extremely competent at the sports we do and sell. Before I opened the shop, I had plenty of experiences with “Bro” type sales- people “pushing” a cool product on us, telling us how “good” they are and how this product would make us “as good as they are.” I vowed that would not happen at Extreme Windsurfing. I listen to what a person wants the product to do, and in what conditions. I very carefully recommend the right product for them in real world conditions. Not the "Coolest," or the one they see in every magazine ad, or even the one that is in stock. I’m THRILLED with almost 100% repeat customers. These windsurfers, stand up paddle surfers, and kitesurfers refer lots of their interested friends to us for product and services we have provided them. That is the real proof of a good shop. Thank You!"

Jason Kuharik - Paddleboarding Instructor
Jason is "Master Chief Dock Boy" and a Paddleboarding (SUP) Instructor. When you want your sails rigged without the hassle or someone to carry your gear down, Jason is the guy to do it. He's always around the property, either working or out practicing for his next big paddleboarding race. An avid surfer, Jason's always entering competitions year-round.
"Working at Extreme is really great. It's a good summer job that I really enjoy. The regulars that come to the bay are really down to earth people who have been sailing their whole lives. When you see people coming back to paddleboard and sail that's how you know you're doing a good job. See you on the water!"

Mike Kuharik - Windsurfing Instructor
Mike is a windsurfing instructor and has been teaching the sport since 1989. When he is not working as a carpenter out at Resorts Casino in Atlantic City, he's often found out on Lakes Bay windsurfing or teaching a lesson. He prides himself in teaching very throughly so every student leaves the day understanding the fundamentals of the sport and can get out on their own and try it anywhere. Many of Mike's students come back on their own to Lakes Bay (after receiving a lesson from him the week before) to practice more- they get stoked about the sport and want more!